Tag: smashrun

What It’s Like to Move A Startup to Spain

It was sheer luck that Smashrun recently ended up in Spain. We  needed the change. Something about living in suburbia for the past year and a half felt wrong. We hadn’t seen most of our friends, we rarely went out, we spoke to only two other people on a regular basis and the highlight of …

Training plans should be short and sweet

Training is one of those things that you hear people talk about when they’re preparing to hit a “serious” milestone. And, usually, it takes a long time. There’s a base period where you become acquainted with a routine. Then it’s followed by lots of practice to increase proficiency and, eventually, if you did everything right, …

452 days of running and Smashrun’s 3rd birthday

I run because it makes me happy. Everyday, without hesitation. It’s not easy because you’re always at the mercy of what the weather brings. It rains, I run. Snow? Still a run day. Below freezing? Ninja-style running! Fully wrapped up. I’m not sure how long I’ll keep going, but I don’t see it stopping anytime …